Dealbh-cluich sgoile: Na Fuadaichean
Dràma sìmplidh ach cumhachdach far am bi sinn a' leanntainn sgeul dà theaghlach a chaidh an cur a-mach às na taighean aca aig àm na Fuadaichean; aon teaghlach chaidh a dh' obair ann am muileann agus rinn an teaghlach eile eilthireachd.
Cluinnidh sibh cuideachd òrain Ghàidhlig agus ceòl bho sgoilearan agus seinneadairean bhon choimhearsnachd.
School play: The Clearances
In this simple but powerful drama we follow the journey of two families forced from their homes during the Highland Clearances; one family who migrate to work in a mill and the other family who emigrated.
The play is interspersed with Gaelic songs and music performed by pupils and singers from the community.