
Airson tèama "Ceanglaichean Gun Chrìch" aig Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2025 a chomharrachadh, tha sinn ag obair còmhla ri Comhairle nan Leabhraichean agus Sabhal Mòr Ostaig gus aire a thogail do raon farsaing de leabhraichean Gàidhlig.
Bho ealain agus litreachas gu leabhraichean cloinne agus leabhraichean neo-fhicsean, tha beartas de sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig ri lorg!
Mu Sgeilpichean Fosgailte
Tha Sgeilpichean Fosgailte na thaisbeanadh atharrachail de stuthan fiosrachaidh anns an t-Seòmar Leughaidh Choitcheann. Tha an t-àite seo ann gu sònraichte gus cuspairean nach eil air an riochdachadh gu leòr a thaisbeanadh agus tha e cuideachd a' toirt cothrom do dhaoine air cruinneachaidhean an Leabharlainn airson brosnachadh agus ionnsachaidh.
Thoir an aire gum feum thu a bhith nad bhall den Leabharlann gus an taisbeanadh seo fhaicinn. Faodaidh tu clàradh airson a bhith nad bhall aig Drochaid Seòras IV no air an làraich-lìn againn.
To mark World Gaelic Week's 2025 theme of "Building Connections" we've teamed up with the Gaelic Books Council and Sabhal Mòr Ostaig to create this display. It highlights a selection of books and publications that span the breadth of Gaelic publishing.
From art and literature to children's books and non-fiction, there's a rich world of Gaelic writing to explore!
About Open Shelves
Open Shelves is a changing display of reference material in the General Reading Room. This space is dedicated to showcasing under-represented topics and provides access to the Library's collections as a source of inspiration and learning.
Please note you need to be a member of the Library to access this display. You can sign-up to become a member at our George IV Bridge building or on our website.