Create a personalised bookplate design using relief printing.
This workshop will introduce simple methods of relief printmaking to design a unique label for the inside cover of a book.
Bookplates were originally designed to encourage the return of missing books and historically were printed from a woodcut or copper plate. The images often reflect something about the identity of the owner along with the style of the era they were made in.
In this workshop we'll begin by looking at bookplates held within the library itself and use these as the starting point to develop a contemporary design of your own. Rubber stamping will be used to print the designs. Each participant will leave with a small collection of prints.
The session will be led by book artist and printmaker Susie Wilson.
About the facilitator
Susie Wilson is a book artist. She combines print, paint and collage in her artistic practice, to explore books in a sculptural way. Susie's work has been exhibited in Scotland and internationally. Her work is in the collection of the National Galleries of Scotland, City Art Centre, Art and Design Library, Baltic and Edinburgh College of Art. She teaches Printmaking and Artist Books at the Centre for Open Learning, University of Edinburgh and also teaches in adult education and schools in and around Edinburgh.