We ask all readers to treat our map collections with care.
Before you enter the Maps Reading Room
You must leave the following items in a locker in the cloakroom beside the reading room:
- Outdoor coats and jackets
- Wet outer garments and umbrellas
- Bags larger than 29cm x 21cm (A4)
- Any items of food or drink
- Any items which might damage our material, for example, pens, glue, correction fluid, scissors or other sharp implements, staplers, etc
In the Maps Reading Room
- You can only use pencil to write with, for the protection of items in the map collections, no pens are allowed
- Flat sheet maps must be protected by acetate sheets when in use
- Please be careful not to write on, lean on, mark or place working papers on top of any Library material
- You should ensure that your hands are clean before handling Library materials
- You must wear gloves (provided by the Library) when using photographs and microforms
How to handle collection material safely
Full details about the care of the collections are available in the Library's terms and conditions.