'Ae fond kiss' by Robert Burns provided inspiration for Williamson's poem 'Auld triangles.'
Williamson says:
'[In the Library] I was given a folder to look at and inside it there was a letter from Robert Burns to Agnes Maclehose (Clarinda). The words to 'Ae fond kiss' were included in his letter. I hadn’t expected to find this. The experience caught me by surprise, and seeing, holding, and reading the original handwritten words moved me to tears.'
'Auld Triangles' by Kevin Williamson (PDF). This version is the work in its original form, as provided by the artist.
To make this content accessible to as many people as possible, we also provide a plain text version of this work, with some text formatting changed.
Video: Kevin Williamson
Kevin Williamson talks about his work at Artistic Co-Director of Neu! Reekie!, and his connection to Robert Burns' letter and work.