She was born in Bulgaria and has lived in Scotland since 2005.
'To Iona' is a prose-poem inspired by the Iona Psalter.
Kassabova says:
'I wanted to capture in a few strokes a journey to Iona and my immediate impression of the island – which was powerful. And to respond to the intricate illustration of letters in the psalter that blend writing, art, and the spirit of a time when people were much more aware of the magic of the natural world.'
'To Iona' by Kapka Kassabova (PDF). This version is the work in its original form, as provided by the artist.
To make this content accessible to as many people as possible, we also provide a plain text version of this work, with some text formatting changed.
Video: Kapka Kassabova
Kapka Kassabova discusses her connection to the manuscript and Iona, and her approach to the commission.