Her debut poetry collection 'Blood, Salt, Spring' was released by Polygon in early 2022.
The poem 'Weather Fronts' was inspired by a letter from Ludwig van Beethoven to George Thomson about arranging music for Scottish songs, including 'the Maid of Isla'.
Lavery says:
'This poem is a meditation on what it is to meet at the boundaries: to consider that our culture, like our language, like our music, like our weather is never fixed – it is always changing – it is always meeting and renewing itself at the boundaries.'
'Weather Fronts' by Hannah Lavery (PDF). This version is the work in its original form, as provided by the artist.
To make this content accessible to as many people as possible, we also provide a plain text version of this work, with some text formatting changed.
Video: Hannah Lavery
Hannah Lavery discusses her approach to working with the collections at the National Library of Scotland and how Beethoven's letter related to the landscape where she lives.