Alasdair Gray source 3
Most educations destroy \reduce/ our childish faith that we can
[enjoy any good] have any good thing we want. Mine left
me believing that anything I wanted to imagine could be
made in [words] picture and words, [if] if [enough]
enough time, space and materials [were]
imagineable [was] [could] was [mine for the making]
mine [if] in pictures or words, if allowed space,
time and materials to make them.
[Line break]
Most educations [destroy] \more or less kill/ the childish faith that
anything we want is ours to enjoy. Mine left me
believing that [anything I liked to imagine could be mine
in I could make anything] given time, space
and [material] right materials, I could make [anything
I wished to imagine] mine in words or pictures anything
I wished to imagine.
[Line break]
Most educations remove our \kill the/ childish
faith that we can or should have anything we want.
Mine left me believing that [given] with [e] time, space and
right materials, \I could make anything/ anything [imagineable could be made
in words or pictures. I could make anything] I wished to
imagine could be made mine in [word] words or pictures
[Line break and doodle at foot of page]
Most educations [kill the childish] more or less
kill the childish faith that \[most things] many [good] great things we want/ we […] want can be
ours. Mine left me sure that with time, space and
right materials I could make anything [I wished mine] imagineable
[…] in words or pictures,
and with examples of
[Line break with doodles]
Most educations kill the childish faith that many
great things we want can be ours. Mine left me
sure that I could make anything I wished to imagine
in words or pictures, [if allowed time, space and right
materials.] With the example of so many inspiring
artists freely available to me in books, how could I
fail to make [some] equally great things if allowed
time, space and the right materials?
[Line break]
Most educations kill the childish faith that all the great
things we want can be ours. Mine left me sure that I
could make anything [I wanted] \imagineable/ in words or pictures.
Being taught by the example of so many inspiring
works freely available to me in books
[Line break]
Most educations kill our childish faith that [everything]
we [want can b] can have everything we want. [Having
been] taught early by […] many exciting images [freely
available] in books [by the age of] and cinema