Penguin edition of 'The thirty-nine steps', 1956.
Since the novel's first publication in 1915, John Buchan's 'The thirty-nine steps' has been published in many editions and styles, including:
- 'Blackwoods Magazine': the first publication of the story, in serialised form from July to December 1915
- The first novel publication from 1915
- A version from J M Dent & Sons, released in 1964 and featuring an eye-catching 39 steps motif
- Penguin edition, 1956
- Five different Pan editions
- German and Italian language editions
- Illustrated versions by artists such as Edward Ardizzone, Edward Gorey and Nick Hardcastle.
These items featured in our display, 'The thirty-nine steps', at the Library from 10 September to 22 November 2015.