'The Articles of the Union as they Pass'd with Amendments in the Parliament of Scotland', 1707 [Library shelfmark: Crawford. E.T.s.1707/13 ].
Though the 1707 Articles of Union ended Scotland's status as a sovereign state, Article XIX preserved the independence of the nation's legal system.
The nation's religion was such a controversial topic that it was not considered under the Articles. It was protected by the separate 'Act for Securing the Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church-government' which also prevented any interference with the four ancient Scottish universities.
Article XIX and the 'Act for Securing the Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church-government' both enabled Scotland to maintain a sense of stability in its churches, universities and courts.
These places provided strong bases where networks of intellectuals could collaborate, and contribute to the Scottish Enlightenment.
Read more about the union of Scottish and English Parliaments in 1707.