Hear 'James VIII' describe his situation at the time of the 1715 Jacobite rising:
I was chosen by God to bring the subjects of these kingdoms back from the Protestant faith.
I spent much of my early life in exile, and Divine Providence so ordered events that I passed most of those twelve years in Catholic kingdoms, by which means I came to understand their religion. I have observed many divisions among Protestants and I am convinced that only the Bishop of Rome, the Pope, can be an infallible judge to resolve the controversies of this world.
Now Providence has graciously granted me a son to continue the Catholic faith, although my own daughter has spread the most wicked rumours about his legitimacy.
I will not renounce my faith, though I am usurped on the throne by my daughter Mary and my son-in-law and nephew William. My other daughter Anne has also abandoned me. As for Mary, at first I had wholly attributed her part in the revolution to obedience to her husband, but the act of being crowned is in her power. If my daughter is crowned while I and my infant son the Prince of Wales are both living, the curse of an outraged father will light upon her, as well as that of God who has commanded duty to parents.