'Never mind, dear fawn, I will never leave you.' An illustration for 'Little brother and little sister' from 'The house in the wood and other fairy tales from Grimm' (London, 1906) [NLS shelfmark: Mas.1014(7)].
Some early 20th-century English adaptations of the Grimms' fairy tales were published in the series 'Books for the bairns' in cheaply produced pink paper wrappers.
'The house in the wood' has illustrations by Brinsley le Fanu and George Morrow, which often take up more space than the text itself.
The image here shows one of George Morrow's full-page illustrations.
This book featured in the 'Illustrating the Grimms' display at the National Library of Scotland, which ran from 19 September to 18 November 2012