Bertie Dickson to mother, 2 June 1916 (censored letter)
[My] own Dearest Mother
This is just a line to assure you by the [text censored here] come through the big Fleet action on the evening of May 31st safe and well, as has everyone else onboard this ship though we were hotly engaged for some time with the enemy's battleships and battle cruisers. I saw the whole battle from the time the time [sic] the Battle Squadrons joined up with our battle cruisers until the action was broken off in the mist & darkness, through my periscope in Q turret. We don't know very much yet about how much we may tell in letters, and in any case we are not allowed to write more than one double sheet like this, so I will tell you the whole yarn in bits later on.
It was a most wonderful and appalling sight. We put a salvo of 13.5 into the Derfflinger and I saw her blazing fiercely, also another ship which got out of their line and got a terrible time. I saw a big ship [text censored here] quite close on our [text censored here] in a great sheet of flame and an immense pillar of smoke & steam. I am awfully anxious about Archie, but we know nothing definite at present. It was indeed a fine sight to see the 1st Battle Cruiser Squadron tearing across our bows firing furiously, then fat funnels silhouetted against a cloud of cordite smoke, as was the 1st Battle Squadron which came into action almost simultaneously in one long flash. It was a finer show than anything we ever saw in the Dardanelles. Many happy returns of the 4th. Will write soon again. Please wire to me at once when you get news of Archie.
Best love to Daddy.
Your own very loving
Letter to mother, 3 June 1916
June 3rd 1916
Dearest Mother,
You will know now what I could not tell you yesterday, that the Queen Mary has been sunk in the action on Wednesday. My thoughts have been with you and Dad ever since I saw she was missing in the Battle Cruiser line when they passed us in action. I know how terribly anxious you must be, but I also know how bravely and patiently you will wait for news of Archie, and you must not lose hope.
I know nothing about the numbers saved, and must share your feelings until we hear. Good-bye now, Mum, and give my love to Dad. I am thinking of you always.
Your own loving