The preface of the first edition James Leslie Mitchell's 'Calends of Cairo'. [National Library shelfmark: Vts.153.c.16]
H G Wells suggested that James Leslie Mitchell use Wells's two letters as the preface to this book.
In his letter of 4 April 1927, the 'War of the Worlds' author wrote:
'Dear Sir
'Very good story. Stick to it! You can do this sort of thing and will certainly come through.
'Very sincerely yours
'H G Wells'
His letter of 24 June 1931 reads:
'Dear Leslie Mitchell
'I never write prefaces, but why not print this letter and my letter of April 4, '27?
'It will add more to my reputation as a prophet — since I had then seen only your first short story — than to yours as a short story writer.
'H G Wells'
View this edition of 'Calends of Cairo' online.