Our main catalogue supports the Z39.50 standard protocol. We have some guidance here to get you started, and more detailed information can be found in the ExLibris Z39.50 integrations page, as our catalogue uses ExLibris' Alma system.
Connection details
Domain name: nls.alma.exlibrisgroup.com.
Port: 1921 (or 210 if you are using RefWorks)
Database name: 44NLS_INST
No username or password are needed.
Supported attributes
All attributes from the Bib-1 attributes should be supported, including all common use attributes:
- Personal name (1)
- Title (4)
- ISBN (7)
- ISSN (8)
- Local control number (12) - this can also be used to search for an MMSID
- Subject heading (21)
- Date of publication (31)
- Author (1003)
- Author name personal (1004)
- Any (keyword) (1016)
- Publisher (1018)
- OCLC Number (1211)
Z39.50 responses will contain bibliographic information, but no holdings information.
For more detailed information, please see the ExLibris Z39.50 integrations page.
Guidance notes
The Alma database includes records from OCLC and the British National Bibliography (BNB).
For use of OCLC records please see OCLC guidance on rights and responsibilities for the exchange of OCLC member-contributed data.
British National Bibliography (BNB)
For use of BNB records, libraries may freely download such records on a one-by-one basis provided that the data is solely used for non-commercial purposes and supports standard library activities, such as acquisition, cataloguing and resource discovery.
Commercial organisations and libraries requiring separate arrangements should contact the British Library at metadata@bl.uk.
Contact us
If you have any questions about z39.50 configuration, please contact us.