The business collection at the National Library is the largest of its kind in Scotland.
We have tens of thousands of books relevant to business management, including:
- Accounting
- Entrepreneurship
- Start-up
- Branding
- Intellectual property guidance.
Thousands of historic market research reports are also available, along with current reports in digital format.
We have nine dedicated business information electronic resources:

- COBRA (Complete Business Reference Adviser)
- D & B Hoovers (previously known as OneSource)
- Factiva
- FAME (Financial Analysis Made Easy)
- Frost & Sullivan
- IBISWorld
- Mintel
- Mint Global
- Orbis
You can consult this material our Edinburgh reading rooms and in our centre at Kelvin Hall. Some of our eResources are also available to use from home if you register with us and have a residential address in Scotland.
Visit the Business section of our website for more about collections and services we offer for business.